In the News

Public Media
The New York Times: ‘You Think, So You Can Dance?’ Science Is on It.
Scientific American: Why Some Songs Make Everyone Want to Dance
Dance magazine: What Neuroaesthetics, a New Field of Research, Can Tell Us About What Dance Does to Our Brains and Bodies
Natural Selections: Choreographing the Mind: Dancing Scientists Decode the Neurobiology of Dance
Scientific American: Male Songbirds Need Daily Vocal Practice to Woo Females
STARTS-Demystifying the Boundary Between STEM and the Arts: Podcast (Spotify)
Spectrum news: 31 Women making a mark on autism research
Nature Methods (News): Method of the year: long-read sequencing
New York University-Center for the Ballet and the Arts 2022 Issue: Fellowship project
Science on the Subway-Columbia University: Interview
Science Daily: What oxytocin can tell us about the evolution of human prosociality
Neuroscience News: What oxytocin can tell us about the evolution of human prosociality
Rockefeller University: A case for simplifying gene nomenclature across different organisms
Nature: The Vertebrate Genomes Project
Forbes: 30 Under 30 2021 List - Science & Healthcare
Science: Can these birds explain how language first evolved?
Science: These docile foxes may hold some of the genetic keys to domestication
Science: Researchers reboot ambitious effort to sequence all vertebrate genomes, but challenges loom
New scientist: The tamed ape: were humans the first animal to be domesticated?
Spectrum News: Blocking oxytocin causes birds to sing solitary tunes Did humans domesticate themselves?
Science News: How humans (maybe) domesticated themselves
ScienceDaily: Did humans domesticate themselves?
Quanta magazine: In Birds’ Songs, Brains and Genes, He Finds Clues to Speech